Taking Care of Your Toes and Feet

3 Simple Podiatry Tips to Help You Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

The condition of the sole of your foot determines your mobility. It also dictates your comfort when carrying out activities like walking and running. The sole contains a continuous muscle called the plantar fascia. Any damage or inflammation to this muscle leads to extreme pain when trying to walk and perform other activities. Damage to the muscle is also a common source of heel pain when you stand up after resting or sitting for a while. Prevention is the best way to avoid this injury and the immobility it brings. 

You can use these three simple preventative measures that podiatrists recommend to keep plantar fasciitis away.

Maintain a Healthy Weight Range

Bodyweight usually exerts a lot of strain on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The amount of stress exerted on the foot muscle increases when running, jogging, or carrying out other high-impact exercises. Similarly, obese people create a lot of strain on their foot and heel muscles. Always let your body mass index guide you in determining what weight is healthy. 

Start an exercise and better diet routine as soon as you realise that your body mass index moves towards obesity. The inflammation, swelling, and pain your feet and heels get from excessive body weight reduce when you get back within a healthy weight range. 

Warm-Up Before Any Exercise

The second cause of plantar fasciitis is poor exercise routines. Do warm-up exercises before embarking on more intensive ones like running. Warm-up exercises are an excellent way to stretch and prepare the muscles and tendons for sudden movements. Cold muscles are less flexible, and they sprain and easily tear when you exert a lot of pressure on them.

A podiatrist can recommend the right warm-up exercises to do before running or exercising at the gym. It will reduce the chances of getting plantar fasciitis and many other muscle injuries.

Choose the Right Shoes

A good portion of the foot injuries people deal with or sustain come from the wrong shoe choice. Your exercise shoes should be strong enough to support your feet as you run and carry out other exercises. You will develop injuries to the sole of your foot if the outer soles, innersoles, and the general design have flaws.

Talk to a podiatrist in your area about the right type of shoes, warm-up exercises, and other measures to prevent plantar fasciitis. Preventing this foot problem is better than trying to treat it when it has already immobilised you. 
