Taking Care of Your Toes and Feet

Four Signs That You Need To See A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist

If you're suffering from plantar fasciitis, you may feel like you're the only person in the world who has this condition. You might feel like you're unable to walk without pain or even stand up without feeling like something is wrong with your foot.

If your condition is severe enough, seeing a plantar fasciitis specialist may be necessary. Here are four signs that it's time for a visit:

1. You Need To See A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist If You Have Painful Heel Spurs

These small growths of bone or cartilage can develop along either side of the heel bone (calcaneus) where it meets the Achilles tendon attachment point at the back of the ankle joint. They usually occur on both sides, but one side may be more prominent than another depending on how much tension is placed on that particular ligament by its position within the foot structure and its relationship to other tendons and ligaments within that same structure during movement activities such as walking, running, jumping and standing on one leg while balancing with your arms outstretched overhead (balancing exercises).

2. You Need To See A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist If Your Foot Feels Hot or Swollen

Plantar fasciitis is usually characterised by localised swelling and inflammation of the plantar fascia tissue on the bottom of your foot. If you notice other symptoms such as warmth or increased size of your foot, then it might be worth getting checked out by a plantar fasciitis specialist to rule out other conditions that could cause similar symptoms. 

3. You Need To See A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist If You Have Tight Calf Muscles

Tight calf muscles are a common occurrence in people who suffer from plantar fasciitis. This is because tight calves can cause increased stress on the plantar fascia, which is why it's important to stretch regularly and incorporate strengthening exercises into your routine if you want to prevent the condition from reoccurring. A plantar fasciitis specialist can help you to identify the cause of your tight calf muscles and prescribe exercises that will help you loosen them up. 

4. You Need To See A Plantar Fasciitis Specialist If You Experience Pain at Night

Often, your plantar fascia has a chance to relax while you sleep, which can result in a decrease in pain intensity or even complete relief from symptoms during the night, but if this doesn't happen, there may be something wrong with your foot that needs further evaluation. The good news is that seeing a plantar fasciitis specialist for an evaluation will help them assess your medical history and determine whether or not any additional tests are needed.

When you have plantar fasciitis, you may notice the above signs. If you do, make an appointment with a podiatrist or a foot and ankle specialist to discuss your options. 

For more information, contact a local company, like Sydney City Podiatry.
